Year 4's Easter Blog

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Thursday, 21 April 2011

Holiday to Wales!

My sister, me, Mummy and Daddy woke up at half past six, had are breakfast and of we went! It took us more then 3 hours to get there. Also my uncle, auntie, grandad and nanny came on the same day which was Monday 11th April 2011. When we got there, we went straight to the beach and then went to the pub with most of my family. Tuesday we went on a train ride and played in the sanddunes. Wednesday we went shopping as it was raining, then we we went to King  Arthurs lybrinth and I brought a Cocunt twangy thingy (which i'll play at school.) Thursday we walked up a massive hill, after we played on the beach and had dinner. An hour later I STOOD UNDER A LAMPOST AND GOT POOPED ON BY A SEAGULL ( I loved it because I got a new tshirt. Friday I made lots of friends on the beach and collected starfish that were in rockpools. We found 14 starfish at least and 2 dead crabs. One was alive, but someone killed it by holding it the wrong way. Saddly we had to go. See you at school.

- Arabella


  1. Eww! Seagul do-do, as Professor McGinty might say.

    Still, I understand that it's supposed to be lucky. Clearly it was in your case - new T-shirt!

  2. 3 HOURS ! I could not be sitting in a car that long you are very pashont

