Year 4's Easter Blog

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Friday, 8 April 2011

Year 4 Easter Homework

Welcome to the Year 4 blog!
If you've managed to navigate this far, you're halfway to making your first post on the HanburyFirstSchool blog.
I know you're going to be doing lots of fun things over the Easter holidays so, instead of telling everyone when you come back, I want you to post your recounts on here. This is going to be like writing a diary so you will need to tell everyone how you felt about what you did and what you enjoyed, or not. Remember, this is published on the internet so it is a diary that EVERYONE can read.

I'll be checking in over the Easter break to see what you're doing.

When you log in, you will all log in using the Year 4 details I have given you. Consequently, all the posts will be published by the same author, Year 4. To avoid this, at the end of your blog posts, you will need to sign off using your name - only your first name, please.

Internet Safety
Do not give out any information from which you can be identified.
  • Don't write your full name
  • Don't write your address or any part of it. A vague location is quite enough.
Don't write anything you wouldn't want ME or your parents to read.
Have a good holiday and happy blogging!
~ Mr Williams


  1. Yes, I've changed the colours again. :)

  2. I like the colour you've changed the blog to.

